Timeless Principles That Continue To Drive Success In My Life!

Principles that are timeless and relevant to every area of your life!  

Transformational Speaker and Speaker's Coach
Welcome, Friends!
(And those wishing to learn a little more about who I am and what I am about.)
Photo of Chad and Amy Nedland
My name is Chad Nedland and I am blessed and honored to be the husband of Amy Nedland. Daddy to my three young children and two adult children.

You will find me often encouraging and coaching others in their businesses, strategies, and presentation skills. This is an area that I have a little over three decades of experience in. Through many years of traveling and ministry, I have had the privilege and honor of speaking all over this country(USA).
I have studied with and hired some of the best speakers and coaches over the years just to increase my skills and hone my craft so that I can better serve those I speak with.

Beyond my passion for speaking and transforming lives - I love business!

It is such an exciting space to work within. In a landscape that is always changing, it has been my life's work to sift out the principles and strategies that stand the test of time, market shifts, and socio-economic change. I have found that business and making money is not a complicated or even complex thing to do. It is not easy, but it is simple and anyone can do it well if they are willing to put in the effort.
One of the greatest assets we have at our disposal is that of our identity. It is more than just our name or the reputation we have built. Our identity, who we believe ourselves to be, drives the very decisions we make and the things we attempt to achieve. Helping people identify the difference between their perceived identity and that of their true identity unlocks their power to live their greatest potential.

You will be hard pressed to find me doing anything that does not have service to others at its core. I love God, I love my family, and I love people! 

I believe that I have been called to transform the lives of those I meet by giving them hope and helping each one of them to uncover their identity and live it to the fullest! 

When we know who we are - it is hard for anything to stop us from fulfilling our  purpose!

Do You Desire To Transform Lives?

Are You Struggling To Make Sales?

Are you looking for a speaker?
I know how hard it can be to find a speaker when you need one. If you are looking for a speaker to challenge, inspire, and transform for a local or online event I invite you to reach out and connect with me.

You can send me a direct email here: chadnedland@yahoo.com
Do you have a message you are trying to communicate?
Trying to share a message but constantly having it feel like it is falling on deaf ears can be soul crushing at times!

But you don't need to stay in that space. There is a way out and I am here to help you discover it!
Hear My Heart and Story...
FourSquare Church - Be, Do, Have
Dreams Are Real Podcast - Become The Architect Of Your Life
Talking With Experts - The Entreprenuer In All Of Us
Copyright 2021 - All Rights Reserved - chadnedland.com